Article on Inflammatory Mechanisms in Vulvodynia

Most women with vulvodynia hope that research will lead to new treatments that provide complete pain relief. That is why NVA has supported many studies on the etiology of vulvodynia. Over the years, researchers have found different pieces of the puzzle and stimulated future researchers to follow the path to its logical conclusion. David Foster, M.D., of the University of Rochester Medical Center, is the epitome of a dedicated vulvodynia researcher who has significantly advanced our knowledge of the cause of vulvodynia. Now that he’s approaching retirement, we are fortunate that Megan Falsetta, Ph.D., is committed to pursuing this important line of research.

This summary article about inflammatory mechanisms in vulvodynia was adapted from: Falsetta ML, Foster DC, et al. Toll-like receptor signaling contributes to proinflammatory mediator production in localized provoked vulvodynia. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2018;22:52-57.